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Linked videos on Korean culture created and provided by third parties

 Korean culture contents live streaming provided by

Airs 24 hours in ENGLISH on Korean culture, including K-POP, etc.

Cultural experiences told by American GI's stationed in Korea

Basic Korean culture you should know by Lenimida (WebID)

An American women's story about her experience while teaching in Korea

An English TV station that spreads the uniqueness of Korea to the world

Promotional video presented by Korea Culture & Info Service

Share first hand cultural experiences of various visitors to Korea

Features Hanbok, the Korean traditional costume

A brief cultural guide to South Korea provided by Country Navigator

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About Us


Founded in New York in 2019 as a nonprofit organization, the Korean American Heritage Society (KAHS) makes strides in promoting Korean heritage with a focus on Korean history and culture. 한미헤리티지협회는 한민족의 올바른 역사와 문화의 전파, 교육을 주 목적으로 2019년 미국 뉴욕에서 설립된 비영리 단체이다.


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162-05 Northern Blvd, Suite 208, Flushing, NY 11358


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